Giving visuals a voice
Hey! My name is Matthew Lafergola. You can call me Matt.
I’m a video game sound designer based in New York. I also have a background in art direction/motion graphics. The relationship between audio and visuals is one that needs to be understood from both sides. The way they complement each other is intricate but expressive. I like to think of my time working as an art director who has worked on many video projects as an integral step and prerequisite to becoming a sound designer. Now, I've also been playing video games my whole life. For as long as I can remember, audio has always been a fascinating aspect of games to me. It oftentimes was a massive contributor to whether or not I enjoyed what I was playing. Audio is the glue between the visuals and the game-feel. I fell in love with the sound design process and realized it's exactly where my passion lies.
So that’s why I’m here! And hopefully, you’re here to reach out so I can make some audio glue for you and your games. Talk soon!
Contact: [email protected]